The Dark Side

Thursday, May 26, 2011


I will succeed from
a frozen life.
I will not live
through motivation and determination.
I do not learn from my mistakes.
I will stop saying
Failure will pick me up.
It will only bring me down.
I refuse to believe
I will learn to be a better person.
Although the defeat may be overbearing,
I try to get back up.
I keep failing anyways.
I am done accepting that
I can get courage
By learning from my mistakes.
Every failure brings a lesson
Is a lie.
Happiness come from not caring
Without a purpose.
Nothing is
Going to come from failure.
Oppurtunities are
Destroyed by it.
My decisions will not be
Used wisely.
My mistakes I make will be
There is no such thing that will be
Considered worth my time.
Failing is
Never embraced.
Laziness and indolence are
Part of my daily life.
Depression and an inability to succeed is not
What I care about.
Not giving up is
Failing is not
Hopeful, loving, or helpful.
Failure is seen through the eyes of its beholder as

Every failure brings with it the seed of an equivalent success.

Tuesday, May 24, 2011

"A Better Place, A Better Time"

and so she wakes up
in time to break down
she left a note up on the dresser
and she's right on time
you don't know anything
right or wrong
i said i know
and she said so
i want to panic
but i've had it
so i go
you don't owe anything to anyone

but don't take your life
because it's all that you've got
you'd be better off just up and leaving
if you don't think they will stop

and when you wake up
everything is going to be fine
i guarantee that you wake up in a better place
and in a better time
so you're tired of living
and you feel like you might give in
well don't
it's not your time

looking through the paper today
looking for a specific page
don't want to find her full name followed by dates
because when i left her alone
she made a sound, like a moan
"you're known by everyone for everything you've done"
fuck buying flowers for graves
i'd rather buy you a one way non-stop
to anywhere
find anyone
do anything
forget and start again, love
she said she won't go
and that's that
it hurts too much to stand by
you've got to stop and draw a line
and everyone here has to choose a side tonight
the moment of truth is haunting you
don't forget your family
regardless of what you choose to do
you can't decide
and they're screaming "why won't you?"
i'll start the engine but i can't take this ride for you
i'll draw the bath and i'll load your gun
but i hope so bad that you bathe and hunt

annie's tired of forgetting about today and always planning for tomorrow (tomorrow)
annie says "the saddest day i came acrosss was when i learned that life goes on without me" (without me)
annie says "if everyone has someone else, then i ain't got nobody's love to save me" (save me)
annie says "i think i'll pass away tonight, because it seems i'll never get it right if it's just me" (just me)

and when you wake up
everything is going to be fine
i guarantee that you wake up in a better place
and in a better time
so you're tired of living
and you feel like you might give in
well don't
it's not your time

annie says she wouldn't mind if they never find a cure for all her problems (her problems)
annie says as long as she has someone near to make it clear she does not need to solve them (solve them)
"oh, this loneliness is killing me
it's filling me with anger and resentment (resentment)
i'm turning into someone that i never thought i'd have to be again"

and when you wake up
everything is going to be fine
i guarantee that you wake up in a better place
and in a better time
so you're tired of living
and you feel like you might give in
well don't
it's not your time

annie's tired of forgetting about today and always planning for tomorrow (tomorrow)
annie says "the saddest day i came acrosss was when i learned that life goes on without me" (without me)
annie says "if everyone has someone else, then i ain't got nobody's love to save me" (save me)
annie says "i think i'll pass away tonight, because it seems i'll never get it right if it's just me" (just me)

and when you wake up
everything is going to be fine
i guarantee that you wake up in a better place
and in a better time
so you're tired of living
and you feel like you might give in
well don't
it's not your time

and even if it was
i wouldn't let you go
you could run run run run but i will follow close
someday you will say "that's it, that's all"
but i'll be waiting there with open arms to break your fall
i know that you think that you're on your own
but just know that i'm here
and i'll lead you home
if you let me
she said "forget me"
but i can't

This song is about the singer's friend who is on the verge of suicide, but the song writer is trying everything to stop her, without actually forcing her "ill draw your bath and ill load your gun but i hope so bad that you bathe and hunt"- he will support her, whatever she decides to do. In this song, the girl thinks that life will go on without her because she is lonely, but she doesn't realize how much pain is put on everyone else, ""the saddest day i came across was when i learned that life goes on without me". The girl came to the realization that she is not really necessary to anything, or so she thinks, and this obviously made her depressed or started her depression. Many people face depression everyday from the failures they have come across, and many are driven to suicide. People don't realize how their failures can be counteracted and actually lead them to good things. 

Monday, May 16, 2011

Failure is Compounded When You Quit

Failure is not just failing, but not trying again. For me, failure drives me to do better, but for others it breaks them down. I have never experienced this personally, but it is easy to tell when other people do. This theory of failure is important to recognize because many people believe that failure is inescapable, because they are consumed by the darkness of it. These people have a loss of determination and they feel like they cannot pick themselves up; they are discouraged. People tend to fall to the dark side of failure, because they do not learn from their mistakes and then failure begins to compound itself. When failure drives people down, it begins to affect their personality, coping and study skills, and their entire outlook on life. They feel like they can no longer overcome even a simple task, and this causes them to have an inability to succeed in the other aspects of life.

Thursday, May 5, 2011

Failure is Not Inevitable

According to Rollo May, "Depression is the inability to construct a future". Depression is one of the leading causes that people fail and do not recover from their failures. If people do not learn from their failures and it just brings them down, they will not gain anything from it, and they become hopeless. Sometimes people feel alienated and feel like they cannot fit in anywhere, like Holden Caulfield in J.D. Salinger's The Catcher in the Rye. Throughout this novel, Holden became more and more detached from everyone, and when he finally knew his dream of becoming the "catcher" was not realistic, he broke down and ended up in a mental hospital. Holden is a good example of "The Dark Side of Failure", because he just gave up and he felt like he did not have anything or anyone left. Luckily, this type of failure is easier than others to overcome, because the only direction people can go is up. For example, in Thomas Peter's Accepted, the main character opens up a college for failing students who do not become accepted into other colleges. The main character gives failing students hope to overcome one of the biggest obstacles in their lives, and he makes them feel like they belong somewhere. These students were considered failures, but it did not take much for them to obtain a little of their hope back. What other ways can people overcome failure?