The Dark Side

Monday, May 16, 2011

Failure is Compounded When You Quit

Failure is not just failing, but not trying again. For me, failure drives me to do better, but for others it breaks them down. I have never experienced this personally, but it is easy to tell when other people do. This theory of failure is important to recognize because many people believe that failure is inescapable, because they are consumed by the darkness of it. These people have a loss of determination and they feel like they cannot pick themselves up; they are discouraged. People tend to fall to the dark side of failure, because they do not learn from their mistakes and then failure begins to compound itself. When failure drives people down, it begins to affect their personality, coping and study skills, and their entire outlook on life. They feel like they can no longer overcome even a simple task, and this causes them to have an inability to succeed in the other aspects of life.


  1. This theory is almost the opposite of my theory, accepting failure. In my failure, people accept their failures and get over them. But in your theory, people don't try to overcome their failures. They let failure bring them down, which is a huge mistake in trying to overcome failure.

  2. This can be caused by my theory, now that I think about it, and ties in well with the world news article on my blog about the pilot in Ireland who killed himself over the guilt of a deadly crash. Very sad!

  3. People do have a tendency to fall to the "dark side" of failure, today this happens in my oppinion because most of them are too lazy to pick themselves up and dust themself off and learn

  4. This is true. I see it all the time around around here. People just decide that their dreams aren't going to happen so they just give up and stay in a place where they can't better themselves and then they're spiteful over their own decision to accept their failure and strive to make others around them just as miserable. It used to make me angry but now it just makes me feel remorse for these people because they had dreams at a time, just like everyone else.
