The Dark Side

Thursday, May 5, 2011

Failure is Not Inevitable

According to Rollo May, "Depression is the inability to construct a future". Depression is one of the leading causes that people fail and do not recover from their failures. If people do not learn from their failures and it just brings them down, they will not gain anything from it, and they become hopeless. Sometimes people feel alienated and feel like they cannot fit in anywhere, like Holden Caulfield in J.D. Salinger's The Catcher in the Rye. Throughout this novel, Holden became more and more detached from everyone, and when he finally knew his dream of becoming the "catcher" was not realistic, he broke down and ended up in a mental hospital. Holden is a good example of "The Dark Side of Failure", because he just gave up and he felt like he did not have anything or anyone left. Luckily, this type of failure is easier than others to overcome, because the only direction people can go is up. For example, in Thomas Peter's Accepted, the main character opens up a college for failing students who do not become accepted into other colleges. The main character gives failing students hope to overcome one of the biggest obstacles in their lives, and he makes them feel like they belong somewhere. These students were considered failures, but it did not take much for them to obtain a little of their hope back. What other ways can people overcome failure?


  1. For some people, hitting rock bottom is their way of waking up... Wouldn't that be a bit of silver lining in your theory?

  2. I agree with steal trap that hitting rock bottom could be a way of waking up. People can also overcome failure by learning from them. Sometimes learning from failures can lead to a better life. In the movie Accepted, as you mentioned, they were able to overcome some of their failure by learning from them and their college that accepted failure became an accredited college in the end.

  3. You said the only way people can go is up, but sometimes people just go deeper into depression and eventually worse (like suicide). But in positive situations, that is true, once a person hits rock bottom they try to get out of it and eventually overcome it.

  4. People could learn to accept their failures. They could learn that everyone is just like them. Everyone will fail at some point in their life; some people more than others.
