The Dark Side

Thursday, May 26, 2011


I will succeed from
a frozen life.
I will not live
through motivation and determination.
I do not learn from my mistakes.
I will stop saying
Failure will pick me up.
It will only bring me down.
I refuse to believe
I will learn to be a better person.
Although the defeat may be overbearing,
I try to get back up.
I keep failing anyways.
I am done accepting that
I can get courage
By learning from my mistakes.
Every failure brings a lesson
Is a lie.
Happiness come from not caring
Without a purpose.
Nothing is
Going to come from failure.
Oppurtunities are
Destroyed by it.
My decisions will not be
Used wisely.
My mistakes I make will be
There is no such thing that will be
Considered worth my time.
Failing is
Never embraced.
Laziness and indolence are
Part of my daily life.
Depression and an inability to succeed is not
What I care about.
Not giving up is
Failing is not
Hopeful, loving, or helpful.
Failure is seen through the eyes of its beholder as

Every failure brings with it the seed of an equivalent success.


  1. nice use of the reversal poem assignment. (:
    This is an interesting and creative way to look at your theory. In one direction, the speaker seems submissive, depressed, weak, and reluctant. but once the poem is read backwards, it reflects a positive attitude, perhaps providing hope to all those out there who feel hopeless.

  2. Yes, this reversal poem definitely exposes hope through all the sadness and depression there is. When first reading it, a person may feel bad about themselves and they may feel that they can't go on, but after reading it backwards it helps them to realize that failure shouldn't be looked at this way. It shows that somewhere out there there is hope and they will be ok.
